Early Morning Recovery needs support
Early Morning Recovery
Early Morning Recovery
Dear Gold Coast Area Family and Friends!
Event: GCCNA Strong in Quarantine
Dates: Friday, May 22nd - Monday, May 25th
Friday: 7pm EST - TBD | Saturday: Starts at 12pm EST | Sunday: Starts at 12pm EST | Monday: 11am EST
ZOOM ID: 210-788-5652 (No Password) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2107885652
Meeting Room Opens 30 Minutes PRIOR to each day's start.
For those who'd like to join us outside of the Zoom platform, please use the Youtube Live Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTB_pk_kfXw
The Afternoon Addicts meeting will now be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 1:00 PM.
TO ATTEND THE ASC PLEASE REGISTER! Help out the secretaries by including your first name and last initial AND PLEASE INCLUDE your (home group name OR ASC position) in parenthesis. USE THIS LINK to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvd-GsqjgsGNW3c885viLl6o_LW53...
The literature distribution subcommittee will be distributing literature and supplies on Sunday, May 17th between the hours of 4PM and 6PM at Serenity By The Sea
Clubhouse. ONLY PREORDERS WILL BE FILLED - email literature-distribution [at] goldcoastna.org OR text either the chair (Lili Z. 954-253-4298) or vicechair (Gabi R. 201-283-4891)
South Eastern Zonal Forum Presents World PR Week
Zoom Speaker Jam
1. Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvd-GsqjgsGNW3c885viLl6o_LW53...
2. Sign up for Zoom: https://zoom.us/download
3. On the day of the meeting, (A) use the approved registration link that was emailed to you and (B) authenticate by signing into your account.
Serenity By The Sea will be opening up
Monday, May 4, 2020 at 9 AM
NEXT ASC is MAY 17 at 1:00 PM. Serenity By the Sea Clubhouse (our regular meeting location) REOPENS Monday, May 4 and is limiting the maximum number of attendees to 30. This is why we will meet virtually this month and this information will be sent separately.