NA Helpline Available 24 HRS, Call 1-888-524-1777

Gold Coast Area of Narcotics Anonymous periodic Events and Notices

The Therapeutic Value Meeting of NA on Temporary Pause.....

From the Homegroup......

"Due to the shift back to somewhat normalcy, our Zoom meeting attendance has dropped and we have more Zoom Boomers than meeting makers. Hence, our group consciousness is to pause our meetings until a physical meeting place is secured.

We may make it a hybrid meeting at that time. For now, please remove us from the meeting list and we will advice as soon as we secure a meeting place.

Thank you for your amazing service.

In Loving Service,


More will be revealed.

ASC TODAY 6.13.2021


Gold Coast Area ASC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Gold Coast Area Service Committee
11:00 AM - Policy Subcommittee
12:00 PM - Admin Meeting
12:30 PM - New GSR & Alternate GSR Orientation
01:00 PM - Area Service Committee Meeting (Arrive by 12:45 PM)

Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the Second Sun, 3 occurrence(s)
Jun 13, 2021
Jul 11, 2021
Aug 8, 2021

5.16.2021 CORRECTION - Lit Dist. is Saturday AFTER Area


Literature Distribution will be meeting the Saturday AFTER Area, not before. We apologize for any Inconvenience.


● PLEASE REMEMBER to email (literature-distribution [at] or text your orders to Literature Distribution before Area.

● This is a reminder that Literature Distribution will be on Saturday, June 19, 2021. Pick up is from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM at Serenity By the Sea.